Exchanges and returns


If you change your mind or are not satisfied with your purchased items, it is possible to return them within 14 days (exchanges for another product are not possible). Follow our returns procedure:

1. Send an email to to report your return to us.

2. After sending the email you can return the products.

3. The products must be unused and returned in the original packaging as much as possible. The costs for this shipment are at your own expense.

4. It goes without saying that we expect the returned item(s) to be in their original condition. We recommend that you send the package using a delivery service that insures you of the value of the goods. Make sure you get a tracking number for your shipment. The item is your responsibility until it reaches us and the cost of returning the item to us is at your expense.

5. Send your package to:
La Miseto
Udenseweg 2
5405 PA Uden
The Netherlands

6. You will receive a confirmation from us when we have received your package. You will receive the money you paid for the order back as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 days of receiving the return shipment.